Angry Black Women





I am a black girl, With wounds as dark as my elbows. Plowed into my thigh to keep from shouting. Torment is my middle name, brainwashed to believe i don't exist.

Created to serve the feet that contrast before me. she see me, I see her. But we do not coexist in the same realm of peace. I love yous don't ring the
same bells the way church do.

Encrypt the Bible into my Dna but i cannot feel god in me. But i am son, not slave as i scream out to the heavens that deny me. enriched with what blesses me is also what chains me.

Told the key was my black excellence and to hush my resillance. Because i would be alone if i were to say no mr. sam, ceo sam, deputy sam, president sam. I am only a stamped number, like cattle under the feet of many. I am product, no voice, no life.

Excuse me if i get emotional, when i say you look like me but yet you cannot save me. As if our power is only granted when we are angry. And time and time again. You aren't angry.

Why aren't you angry. When you are dissected untill you are no more but a budget and a phamplet of inclusivity and diversity.

When you become a hashtag on a 5 year old post, when your name no longer holds the bucket of tears grandma tammy keeps over flowing. You march in the streets but kill every opportunity to flee.

Can't you see me? maybe because the light no longer lingers where there is no spark? can't you hear me? maybe because our voices are drowned in the blood we drawn in hopes of peace.

like a dog i am taught to chase my own tail, to see that there is no other enemy but you. Excuse me, again, If I get emotional, it's not everyday I get to say how I Feel with the intent of an audience.

Lord knows they don't pay coloreds enough to own pearls. Let alone be able to see the value that has built skylines with this blood of mine.

Tell me, brother, sister within our own, can we identify the posion that's stuck between our DNA, the same way, we can tell martha she's invited to the cook out when she does the nae nae.

We fight eachother more than we fight the problem. When i look at you, i just pray that you know you are the answer to solve them. For child i am not your enemy i am kin. Because that feeling when we see eachother in a room, it's always been within.
I am a Black


"Your pretty

for a Black

"is that your real hair?"
Most disrespected
"Your one of the nice ones"
I exist
"White washed"
Black Girl Magic
"Maybe you should try something less challenging"
I am
Help US find US